Due to the chaotic routine of the present time, people have to face many problems related to health. Due to a lack of proper diet and physical labor, problems related to the stomach especially arise. One of these problems is the burning sensation in the stomach which slowly starts spreading to the chest. Heartburn can be caused by acid reflux. Acid reflux means when food reaches the lower part of the stomach and starts coming back up into the food pipe. This problem usually starts after eating anything and creates an uncomfortable condition. In such a situation, to get relief from this problem, today we are going to give you information about some home remedies which will prove to be effective. Let us know about these measures…

If you feel uncomfortable after eating food and there is a problem like a burning sensation in the stomach, then you must eat a piece of jaggery after eating. Instead of chewing it with your teeth, keep it in your mouth for some time and keep sucking it. They help in the release of food-digesting enzymes so that it takes you much less time to digest food than before. It is very effective in curing the problem of a burning sensation in the stomach.

Cumin is very effective in relieving irritation and ulcers in the stomach. Such effective substances are found in cumin which accelerates the digestion process. Develops metabolism and relieves gas, constipation, and gastric problems. Cumin prevents sour belching. Whenever there is acidity, chew and suck some cumin seeds or boil some cumin seeds in water and keep them well. Drink this whenever you start having acidity. By doing this, acidity will calm down immediately.

Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to get relief from heartburn. Consuming this solution 30 minutes before meals is believed to help in faster digestion of food by increasing the amount of acid in the stomach. This can provide relief from a burning sensation in the stomach to some extent. For now, more research is needed on the use of apple cider vinegar for this problem.

Ginger juice
Ginger juice is also helpful in curing heat and burning sensations in the stomach. Drinking ginger juice mixed with lemon and honey soothes stomach irritation. Apart from this, ginger juice also has antibacterial properties, so it kills harmful bacteria present in the stomach.

Aloe vera juice
To overcome the problem of constipation, you can consume aloe vera juice. It increases the amount of water in your intestine, which can relieve the problem of constipation. In such a situation, you can regularly consume aloe vera juice available in the market. It can also relieve stomach irritation and pain.

It also removes the complaints of the digestive system, constipation, and gas. It is rich in potent anti-ulcer properties, which soothe acidity. Helps in eliminating the burning sensation in the body during acidity. Chewing and sucking a few seeds of fennel also provides relief in acidity. Along with this, fennel also has a special home remedy for acidity. Boil some seeds of fennel well in water and then leave it like this overnight, then drink this boiled water of fennel whenever you feel a burning sensation in the stomach. It will give instant relief from acidity.

Lemon juice
Stomach ulcers can also cause a burning sensation in the stomach. In such a situation, the consumption of lemon juice can prove to be helpful to some extent in this problem. Research suggests the antiulcer effect of lemon, which may reduce the risk of heartburn, showing a somewhat positive effect in ulcer conditions. For now, more research is needed on this topic.

Roast carom seeds in a pan and make their powder. Add black salt to it. Taking it with lukewarm water after eating, removes stomach heat and acidity. Thymol and black salt present in oregano contain alkaloids. Mixing these two cures acidity.

Consume a cup of curd or lassi after every meal, their consumption gives relief in acidity and all the problems related to the stomach. This is an ancient Ayurvedic home remedy for acidity. Even today it is practiced in many Dhabas. A bowl of curd is given after eating food here because it is no less than a panacea for all stomach-related problems. Do not consume curd at night. Consume curd only if you have dinner before sunset, otherwise consuming curd after sunset is harmful.

Baking soda
Baking soda is the common name for sodium bicarbonate. It can be used to get relief from heartburn. It has antacid properties, which can help relieve stomach irritation by reducing acidity. To treat stomach irritation and gas, you can drink baking soda mixed with a glass of water. Honey and lemon can also be added for taste.