Breast Cancer Prevention: There is no country in the world where there are no cases of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common of the diseases caused by cancer. According to WHO statistics, 6.85 lakh people died of breast cancer in 2020 while 23 lakh people are suffering from breast cancer. Only 0.5 to 1 percent of breast cancer cases occur in men, the remaining 99 percent of breast cancer occur in women. In this disease, the growth of cells inside the breast becomes uncontrolled due to which a tumor occurs. Initially, breast cancer is not life-threatening.

It gets cured after some treatment. But when it spreads in more parts then it becomes difficult to handle. Due to this, the tumor starts appearing as a lump or thick in the breast. If it is identified in the beginning, then breast cancer can be treated very easily. That's why WHO has given special tips to women to avoid breast cancer. With these tips, women can reduce the risk of breast cancer to a great extent. Even in life, one can be free from cancer disease.

These women are at high risk of breast cancer
According to WHO, factors such as age, obesity, alcohol use, family history, exposure to radiation, reproductive history such as age at which periods started and at which age the first child was born, tobacco use, postmenopausal hormone therapy, etc. are responsible. Are. Although more than half of the women have breast cancer without any risk.

Symptoms of breast cancer
1. When breast cancer occurs, in most cases, there is a painless lump in the breast that feels hard to touch. Sometimes any part of the breast becomes thick or emerges and lumps occur in it.
2. The breast changes its shape and size from above.
3. Skin color starts changing. There is a pit in the skin. Mild redness also starts appearing.
4. The skin around the nipple and nipple starts changing. There may also be a color change.
4. Abnormal fluid starts coming out from the nipple.

WHO're 7 rules to avoid breast cancer
1. Give milk to children- Nowadays some mothers stop feeding milk to the child after one or two months. But feeding milk to children for a long time reduces the risk of breast cancer.
2. Physical Activity- If women do physical activity regularly, then the risk of breast cancer can be reduced in them.
3. Curb on obesity- Although excess weight is a feast for many diseases, due to excess weight, the risk of breast cancer increases in women. That's why to curb obesity. ,
4. Say no to alcohol- Consumption of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer in women. That's why women should not consume alcohol to avoid breast cancer.
5. Say bye to cigarettes- If you smoke cigarettes, it can increase the risk of breast cancer. That's why do not consume tobacco in any form.
6. Use of hormones carefully – Women use hormones for many diseases or to enhance beauty, but do not do so without the advice of doctors. Long-term use of hormones can increase the risk of breast cancer.
7. Do not be exposed to radiation too much - Some women have to work in the lab but do not work where there is high radiation exposure, high exposure to radiation increases the risk of breast cancer.

Women eat these foods
According to Dr. Rasika Mathur, Senior Dietician at Nanavati Max Hospital, Mumbai, cancer attacks the body when the body's immune system starts to weaken. That's why women should include immunity booster things in their diet. Dr. Rasika Mathur said that women should choose such food which has high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. For this, include salad, seeds, nuts, green vegetables, fresh citrus fruits, etc. daily. Consume pumpkin, linseed seeds, ragi, jowar, millet, almonds, walnuts, apricots, dried dates, dates, dark green vegetables, blueberries, strawberries, berries, grapes, oranges, kiwi, etc. every day.
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