In today's busy life, every second person is troubled by thyroid problems. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. Thyroid problems occur due to disturbances in this gland. This gland secretes a special type of hormone which is responsible for the metabolism of our body. This disease often occurs due to a bad lifestyle.

It is very important to keep the thyroid under control, in such a situation people adopt different types of remedies. Today we are giving you information about a special type of nuts as told by health expert Riya Wahi, which is very beneficial in keeping the thyroid under control.

Do Brazil nuts control the thyroid?

Dietician Riya Wahi recommends eating Brazil nuts to control thyroid. This is a very special kind of nut whose taste is buttery and nutty. Brazil nuts are a selenium-rich food which is considered very useful in the treatment of thyroid problems.

Selenium is found most in the tissue of the thyroid gland. It protects the thyroid from oxidative damage and plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormones. It can also help control metabolism and thyroid function. It is so effective that consuming it in small quantities can be beneficial.

Other Benefits of Brazil Nuts?

  • Helps in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • The risk of heart disease is reduced.
  • Improves brain health.
  • This improves blood circulation.
  • Causes swelling in the body.

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