Brain Cancer: In a study, a shocking disclosure has been made regarding the head injury. It has been said in the study that if there is any kind of injury in the head, then it is more likely that you may have to become a victim of brain cancer later. Because head injury increases the chances of developing a brain tumour called 'glioma', which is often produced in neural stem cells. Published in the journal Current Biology, it has been found in this study that patients who had a head injury are almost four times more likely to develop brain cancer in the future than those who did not have any head injury.

According to researchers at University College London, it is also important to note that the risk of developing brain cancer is very low, probably less than one per cent. This is the reason that even after getting hurt, the risk remains minor. Professor Simona Parinello from the Cancer Institute of University College London said that our research shows that brain injury significantly increases the risk of developing brain cancer in the future.

Severe brain injury increases cancer risk
He said that we know that there are many mutations in normal tissues, which just sit there, but it does not have any major effect. The findings suggest that if hit on top of these mutations, they produce a synergistic effect. Parinello says that a young brain has less basal inflammation.

This is the reason why mutations can be kept in check even after severe brain injury. However, with ageing, the problem of inflammation increases in the whole brain and grows more rapidly in the place where there was an injury earlier. The study states that genetic mutations work together with inflammation of brain tissues and alter cell functions, which increases the likelihood of cancer.