We try our best to keep our bodies healthy, but do you know that our minds are as fragile as our bodies? Yes, some small daily habits can gradually harm the brain, which can affect our memory, thinking ability, and even mood.

Let us know which habits are dangerous for the brain and how they can be avoided.

Lack of sleep
Not getting enough sleep is the biggest harmful factor for the brain. During sleep, the brain completes important tasks, such as storing memories, reducing stress, and creating brain cells. 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for adults, but most people sleep less than this, which can reduce brain function.

More screen time
Spending hours in front of smartphones and TV can be harmful to the brain. Constantly watching screens reduces brain concentration, weakens memory, and increases stress. It is important to limit screen time and take regular breaks to rest the eyes.

Unhealthy diet
Right eating habits are also important for the brain. A diet rich in fat, sugar, and processed foods can disrupt brain development and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial for the brain.

Smoking and alcohol consumption
Smoking and alcohol consumption are very harmful to the brain. These intoxicants damage brain cells, weaken memory, and affect the ability to think and understand. Stopping smoking and alcohol consumption completely is the best solution for the brain.

Stress and anxiety
Being under stress and anxiety for a long time can be dangerous for the brain. Stress hormones can damage brain cells and weaken memory. To reduce stress, it is important to practice yoga, meditation, pranayam, and other stress-reducing techniques.

Low physical activity
Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for the body but also for the mind. Exercise promotes the formation of new neurons in the brain, strengthens memory, and reduces stress. At least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise should be done a week.

(PC: Freepik)