The strength of our body depends on how strong our bones are, with the help of bones, not only do the essential organs of the body get protection, but it also plays an important role in supporting the muscles. The bones of many people become so weak that their body starts aching and it becomes difficult to carry out normal activities of daily life. Many habits of our own make bones weak, let's look at them.

Calcium is very important for the strength of our bones, if you do not include such foods in your daily diet, which are rich in this nutrient, then gradually the density of the bone starts decreasing, which increases the risk of fracture.

Many people think that eating less will reduce their weight, and in such a situation they start dieting without consulting any expert. It may or may not lead to weight loss, but the bones and body become weak.

If you work sitting for 8 to 10 hours a day and do little to no physical activity, then it increases the risk of Osteoporosis, it is better that you take some time out for workouts as well.

Nowadays, many youths are addicted to cigarette smoking, this is the reason that even at an early age, the bones of people have started becoming weak, and this also increases the risk of osteoporosis, it is better to repent from this bad habit today itself.

Alcohol is not only a social evil, but its consumption is also not right in terms of health, although it affects many organs, people who drink excessively have a bad effect on their bones.