Obesity starts with the accumulation of fat around the stomach. A belly protruding from the body not only looks bad but also poses a threat to the heart.

Obesity is an important factor in fatal diseases like heart disease, and diabetes. In such a situation, if you are also struggling with the problem of obesity, then know here the way to get rid of it as soon as possible. In this article, we are telling you about some such exercises for which you will not need to go to the gym, and with the reduction in obesity, the heart will also start becoming stronger.

Brisk walking
Brisk walking is an easy and effective exercise. It not only helps in reducing weight but also keeps your heart healthy. A 30-minute brisk habit every day can protect you from obesity and many dangerous diseases.

Running is a great, effective, and economical way to burn calories. You can easily do it on the terrace and park of your house. Keep in mind that initially run slowly and then gradually increase the speed.

Cycling is an exercise that strengthens your abdominal and leg muscles. You can do it at home on a cycling machine or by cycling outside.

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is great for full body exercise. It keeps your digestion healthy and also helps in reducing fat. Try to do 12 to 15 Surya Namaskars daily.

Squats are an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the legs and abdomen. To do this, stand straight, and keep the feet slightly apart from shoulder width. Keep the hands straight in front. Sit down as if you are sitting on a chair. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Come back to the straight position.

(PC: Freepik)