In the summer season, everyone is troubled due to sweating. There are many people whose sweat smells very bad. Especially because of the sweating of the underarms, people get very upset. In such a situation, people apply perfume with a strong fragrance to avoid it. Due to this, this stench gets rid of for some time. When this smell does not reduce even with perfume, then people start getting embarrassed. If you have the same problem, then you can get rid of it by doing some home remedies.

Yes, if you are also troubled by the sweating of the underarms, the smell of the underarms embarrasses you too, then with the help of these home remedies, you can get relief from this problem. You will not need to do much to adopt these methods.

Rose water
If you are troubled by sweating underarms, then start sprinkling rose water on your underarms. If desired, rose water can also be added to the bath water. This will give relief from body odor.

Baking Soda and Lemon
By applying this mixture to your underarms, you can get relief from this bad smell. For this, you have to apply this mixture to your underarms for 15 minutes and then wash it with plain water.

Potato is very helpful in controlling the smell of your sweat. The low-acidic compound found in it can prove to help prevent sweating. To use it, all you have to do is rub the potato on the affected area.

Apple vinegar
It is very easy to use apple vinegar. For this, all you have to do is mix vinegar and lemon juice in water and keep it in a spray bottle. Now spray it on the underarms. You can use it after a bath.

(PC: Freepik)