To stay healthy, elders advise to eat green vegetables and fruits. Eating fruits and vegetables keeps you healthy. Fruits and vegetables contain many types of nutrients. Grandmothers often advise children to eat bitter gourd. Bitter gourd is bitter but is rich in many properties. There are many benefits of consuming bitter gourd. Consuming bitter gourd is beneficial. Eating bitter gourd reduces weight and also reduces cholesterol levels. Bitter gourd is also helpful in keeping the heart rate healthy. But if you think that excessive consumption of bitter gourd will keep you healthier, then you are wrong. Excess of anything can be harmful. Eating too much bitter gourd can also have a bad effect on health. Let's know about the benefits and disadvantages of eating bitter gourd.

Benefits of eating bitter gourd

Dandruff problem can be eliminated by applying bitter gourd leaf juice mixed with turmeric. Women or men, any person can consume bitter gourd to get rid of dandruff.

Bitter gourd is useful for hoarseness of voice
When your throat becomes hoarse due to any reason or your voice becomes bad, then bitter gourd is beneficial to correct it. Consume the paste of bitter gourd root mixed with honey and basil juice.

Bitter gourd is beneficial in cold and cough
If you have a disease problem, or cough and cold, then consuming bitter gourd gives quick relief.

Disadvantages of eating bitter gourd

Harmful in low sugar level
Consuming bitter gourd is beneficial for diabetes patients. Eating bitter gourd keeps the blood sugar level under control. But people whose sugar level is low should not consume bitter gourd in excess. This can further reduce the blood sugar level. Also, the risk of hemolytic anemia can increase.

Effect of bitter gourd on the unborn child
Bitter gourd should not be consumed during pregnancy. Eating too much bitter gourd can harm the unborn child. If pregnant women drink bitter gourd juice daily, then reduce it.

Harmful for the liver
Consuming bitter gourd daily can be harmful for the liver. Lectin is found in bitter gourd. Consumption of bitter gourd can stop the circulation of protein in the liver. Therefore, do not consume bitter gourd regularly.

Diarrhea can occur
Consuming too much bitter gourd can increase the problem of diarrhea or vomiting. Parents who feed bitter gourd to their children every day by telling them its benefits should avoid consuming bitter gourd daily.