Plants enhance the beauty of any place in the house including the bedroom. Apart from this, there are some plants which create a feeling of peace and relaxation in the mind. That's why (Best Bedroom Plants) most people like to plant these plants in their bedrooms. Research has found that being around plants makes people feel happier and less anxious. Light also affects some plants planted in the bedroom, (Best Indoor Plants For Home) so whenever you go to buy a plant, pay special attention to what kind of light is available in your bedroom. At the same time, after planting plants in the house, water the plants only after looking at the moisture. Because some plants cannot survive with zero light and excess moisture, not only, due to insufficient light, the plant becomes rough and weak. In such a situation, let us know, which plant grows in which light, and also we will know when and how much amount of water is needed by the plants.

Aglaonema commutatum
Lighting: Low, medium, or bright indirect light
Water Requirement: When the soil in the top few inches of the pot feels dry.
If you are looking for a plant that tolerates all light levels and still looks great, consider adding an aglaonema to the home. This plant is very good for those people who forget to water the plant.

Golden pothos
Light: Can adapt to medium to bright indirect light and low light levels.
Watering Needs: When the top inch or two of soil feels dry. This plant does not tolerate wet soil.
It's one of the easiest houseplants you can grow, plus it's inexpensive and low-maintenance.

Snake plant
Light: Low light but grows rapidly in medium to bright light.
Watering Needs: When the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch. This plant will survive for weeks without water.
People like to have a snack plant. Most people put it in their homes and offices. Because it looks very beautiful.
money tree
Lighting: Bright Indirect Light
Water Needs: It is a light moisture plant but tolerates occasional drying.
This plant is known to bring good luck to the house. Also if you tend to overwater the plants, a money tree is a great option. Because this plant grows in wetlands in its native environment.