We use all kinds of market products to take care of our skin, but we do not pay attention to our kitchen. One of the ingredients present in the kitchen is Epsom salt. It is a magnesium sulfate compound that looks similar to table salt or common salt. However, it is different from this. Explain that table salt contains sodium compound. Although salt is used to enhance the taste, it also makes your nails healthy.

If you want to get rid of many problems related to your nails like ingrown toenails or toenail fungus etc., then Epsom salt will help you in this. You can use it in many ways and make your nails healthy-

Epsom Salt for Ingrown Toenails

Most people have to face the problem of ingrown toenails. Due to this sometimes they also have to face pain and discomfort. But if he uses Epsom salt then he gets a lot of benefits. In this way, you can take care of your toenails. It loosens your skin and reduces the pain. However, it should be used only if you have a dry nail infection. If you have a problem with pus or pus etc., then avoid Epsom salt.

Say bye-bye to toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is usually caused by the growth of fungus under the nail. Often this can be caused by dirty nails, which lead to the accumulation of fungus under the nail. But if Epsom salt is used, it helps in loosening the skin and drying up the fungus. Due to this, it does not increase much.

Treat paronychia

An infection of the skin around the toenail is called paronychia. Usually, a bacteria causes it. Toenails can also become infected with a fungus. But Epsom salt can help you to cure this fungus, which also cures paronychia. For this, add Epsom salt in lukewarm water and mix it. Now soak your feet for at least 20-30 minutes. For better results, wipe them with a clean towel.

Make nails healthy

Often people's nails do not grow due to dirt, fungus etc. But if Epsom salt is used, then it also has a positive effect on the growth of nails. Epsom salt prevents fungus etc. from growing by cleaning the dirt inside the nails. Not only this, you do not need to soak the nails for a long time. Soak the nails of your hands and feet in Epsom salt for 15 minutes twice a week.

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