In today's time, people follow different diets to lose weight. Intermittent fasting is one of them. Special attention is given to the timing of food and drink through intermittent fasting. Through which it helps in improving metabolism. There is no doubt that intermittent fasting helps in reducing your weight. But the benefits of intermittent fasting are not limited to this only.

If you follow intermittent fasting properly, it not only improves insulin sensitivity but also has a positive effect on the heart and mind. So, today in this article, Dietician RituPuri of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital is telling you about some of the unique benefits of intermittent fasting-

Has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity

If you do intermittent fasting, it can improve your insulin sensitivity which helps in keeping the blood sugar level stable. Actually, during the fasting period, the stored glucose in the body is used, due to which the insulin level can be easily regulated. It is believed that intermittent fasting can significantly reduce a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Reduce inflammation

Intermittent fasting can also help reduce inflammation in your body. Let us tell you that chronic inflammation is associated with many types of problems like heart-related diseases, diabetes or cancer etc. When the body inflammation is less then the health condition of the person is also better than before. So that a person can lead a healthy life.

Benefits to heart health

Very few people are aware that intermittent fasting is also helpful in taking care of heart health. When you do intermittent fasting, it regulates your blood pressure. At the same time, it also improves cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. This not only improves your heart health, but it also reduces your chances of getting many types of heart diseases.

Aids in cell repair

Intermittent fasting is also extremely helpful in cellular repair. Actually, during the fasting period, your body does the cellular repairing process which is called autophagy. Due to this old and damaged cells are removed and new cells are generated. In this way, if it is seen that due to intermittent fasting, your body cells also have a positive effect.

Improve brain health

Intermittent fasting may also prove beneficial for your brain health. Some animal studies have found that intermittent fasting may help with the growth of new nerve cells. It is believed that age-related neurodegenerative diseases can be avoided to a large extent due to intermittent fasting. This can significantly reduce the risk of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Intermittent fasting is beneficial for health. But everyone doesn't need to benefit from it. Therefore, before doing intermittent fasting, be sure to consult a doctor once.

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