Everyone loves their skin very much, women use many things to make it glowing and glowing. Many household things are used to benefit the skin, which provides nutrition to the skin with their properties. But many things are better if not directly contacted with the skin because they can harm the skin instead of benefiting it. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such things whose direct contact with the skin can cause the problem of rashes, irritation, itching, rash or patches. So let's know about these things...

Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, many people also include it in home remedies for skin and hair. But there is a lot of need to be careful in its use. Lemon is acidic, which can burn your skin. It is necessary to dilute a little before using it in any face pack. For this, you should use lemon juice mixed with some other thing, due to which its acidic effect will be less. Apart from this, use lemon juice in small quantities so that it does not have a bad effect on the skin.

Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C
Both Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C are very important for the skin. Both these vitamins help make the skin glow, brightening the complexion and lightening the spots. But if you use things containing Vitamin-A and Vitamin C together on the skin while applying cream, lotion or face pack, then it can become a cause of the problem for you. This can cause anything from irritation to allergies on your skin.

Baking soda
Like lemon, baking soda should not be applied directly to the skin. It can cause skin irritation, and especially those with sensitive skin should not use it. It is acidic, so it should always be used mixed with water.