At present, it is seen that many types of face washes are easily available in the market according to the type of your skin, but let us tell you that these face washes are not able to completely clean the dirt on the face, due to which Our skin looks dull. In such a situation, today through this article we are going to tell you about homemade honey bleach. Many such properties are found in honey, which keeps the skin deeply moisturized by thoroughly cleaning the deposits from our face. Let us tell you that this honey bleach helps in lighting unwanted facial hair, apart from this it also helps in unclogging the pores. Using this homemade honey bleach, you can also improve the complexion by cleaning the dead skin accumulated on the face. Let's know about it in detail -

Ingredients needed to make Honey Bleach:

1. Honey - 1 tsp

2. Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

3. Turmeric - 1 pinch

* Method of making Honey Bleach:

1. To make honey bleach, first of all, take a bowl.

2. After this, add honey, turmeric, and baking soda to it.

3. Now mix all these things well.

4. In this way your homemade honey bleach is ready.

* Method to use Homemade Honey Bleach:

1. To use honey bleach, you must first wash your face.

2. After this, apply it well on your face.

3. Now apply it on the face and leave it for about 30 minutes.

4. After this, wash your face with normal water and clean it.

5. Now apply some moisturizer on your face and massage it.

6. To get better results, try this about 2-3 times a week.

7. Keep in mind that if baking soda does not suit your skin, then you can skip it.