Beard Growth Tips: There would hardly be any boy who would not like to have a thick beard and mustache but there are many boys who face the problem of not growing a beard. In such a situation, many youths start buying oils available in the markets and using them to regulate beard growth. Many types of chemicals have been found in these oils. Sometimes they can also have the opposite effect. In such a situation, these oils should always be used with caution.

Considering this problem of people, in today's article we are going to tell you about some household things that you can use for beard growth. You will not need to spend much money to use these things. In this article, we will also tell you when to use household items, so that they are really beneficial.

Almond oil is beneficial
If your beard does not grow properly then apply almond oil on your face every night before sleeping. If your beard is light then you can also massage the beard with a light hand. Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, which helps in proper beard growth.

Tea tree oil
If you mix a little castor oil in tea tree oil and apply it to your beard, you will start seeing the benefits within a few days of its use.

Face pack will be beneficial
If you do not want to use any kind of oil, then grind Amla and mustard leaves together and make a fine paste. Apply this pack on your entire face. This will make your beard look thicker.

Trim your beard as well
If you want your beard to grow well then it is very important to trim it from time to time. Trimming also helps in correcting the shape of the beard and it also looks good.

Take biotin after advice
Consumption of biotin supplements not only increases beard growth but also hair growth. In such a situation, you can consume biotin supplements after consulting a skin specialist.
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