Summer season is going on and as soon as the morning comes, the scorching sun has started troubling people. But many times people have to come out of the house for important work, to go to the office, to school-college, etc. In such a situation, this scorching sun starts troubling them. Therefore, it becomes important to avoid this heat, otherwise, this heat can make us very ill. In such a situation, keep in mind that whenever you go out of the house, take some things with you about which you will learn later. Keeping these things together can help you a lot in avoiding the heat. So let us know what these things are. You can learn about this in the next slides...

Keep these four things with you:-
Water bottle

If you are going out of the house in summer, then definitely keep a water bottle with you. In the summer season, the throat becomes dry and the body needs water. Therefore, if you want, you can make lemonade and keep it with you.

If you are going out of the house, you can carry an umbrella. This helps protect your head from direct sunlight. You can also send your children out of the house only by giving them an umbrella.

When we go out in summer, bright sunlight hits our eyes. Due to this, sometimes the eyes become red and even start burning. Therefore, to avoid this, you can wear sunglasses, which can help in protecting you from the strong sunlight.

You can also keep these things with you:-
To avoid strong sunlight, you can wear a cap, which protects the head from sunlight.
You can go out in the sun by applying sunscreen cream, which can protect your body from tanning.
You can carry a big handkerchief, towel, or tissue paper with you, which can be used to wipe sweat.