Whenever it comes to a short or long journey, most of the people prefer to travel by Indian train. There are many reasons behind this, such as comfortable seats, AC facilities, catering arrangements and toilets on the train, etc. You just have to buy a ticket and then you can set out on your journey, but if you are traveling by Indian train then you as a passenger have to follow some rules. If you do not do this, you may be fined. Also, in many cases, you may have to go to jail. Therefore, it becomes important for you to know about these mistakes which you should not make on the train. You can learn about this in the next slides...

Don't make these mistakes:-
Number 1

According to railway rules, carrying inflammable substances in the train is strictly prohibited. If you are caught doing this, then under Section 164 of the Railway Act, 1989, you can be punished with a fine of Rs 1,000, 3 years in jail, or both. These inflammable substances include firecrackers, petrol, kerosene, gas cylinders, etc.

Number 2
Whenever you plan to travel by train, never travel without a ticket. Doing so is a punishable offense. If caught without a ticket, you may be fined separately in addition to the ticket.

Number 3
Keep in mind not to smoke and consume alcohol on the train or the railway premises. If you are caught doing this, you can be fined or jailed for up to 3 years or both. Therefore do not make such a mistake at all.

Number 4
If you are traveling by train, then keep in mind that never talk loudly on the mobile. Also, avoid playing loud songs on the mobile speaker. If any passenger is troubled by this and complains about you, then action will be taken against you under Section 145 and GRP can issue your challan.