Banana Benefits And Side Effects: People are advised to consume fruits to stay healthy. Fruits nourish the body. Fruits are rich in nutrients including vitamins, proteins, and minerals. It is said that eating an apple every morning on an empty stomach keeps one healthy, but there are many fruits apart from very nutritious apples. If you want to eat a beneficial diet to stay healthy, then bananas can also be beneficial.

Experts recommend eating one banana per day. Bananas contain vitamins and nutrients. Carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and B-6, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium found in bananas provide complete nutrition to the body. In addition, natural sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose are found. Bananas can be called a superfood. But there are some disadvantages to consuming bananas as well. Know about the advantages and disadvantages of eating a banana in the next slides.

Benefits of banana
Bananas contain potassium, so eating bananas regularly after a workout can be beneficial.

Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, which is beneficial in increasing the power of the brain and its consumption sharpens memory.

Banana is beneficial in controlling weight.

Banana gives relief from constipation and stomach problems.

Due to the high amount of amino acids in bananas, the level of hormones remains correct and the mood remains fine. This reduces stress.

Banana protects against heart diseases.

Disadvantages of eating a banana
Bananas are very high in calories, which increases weight. That's why people who are overweight should avoid consuming bananas.

Protein is less in bananas, due to which the muscles can become weak due to its consumption.

Fructose found in bananas can cause gas problems in the stomach.

If your kidneys are not working then you should reduce the consumption of bananas. The potassium found in bananas puts a strain on the kidneys.