Many types of physical problems occur due to the wrong lifestyle. Due to desk work throughout the day and lack of physical activity, there is a problem of stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Sitting in the same position for a long time, wrong body posture, and lifting heavy objects can also badly affect the neck and shoulders. Sometimes this problem increases so much that there is difficulty in turning the neck or doing everyday tasks. To get rid of the problem of stiffness and pain in the neck or shoulder, people often resort to painkillers. Taking medicines gives relief for some time but this problem cannot be ignored for a long time. Yoga experts say that the practice of some yoga asanas can provide relief from many physical problems and problems of pain and stiffness. In such a situation, you can practice some yoga asanas to get relief from neck and shoulder pain.

By practicing this asana, the muscles of the body get stretched and pain is relieved. To do Shalabhasana, lie on the ground on the stomach and keep the palms under the thighs. Keeping the head, neck, and mouth straight, take a long deep breath and then try to lift both legs together. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then exhale slowly by bringing the legs down and coming back to the normal position.

For the practice of this asana, sitting on the ground on the knees, keeping both hands on the hips, bring both knees parallel to the shoulders. Feeling full pressure in the navel, hold the feet with the hands and bend the waist backward. While trying to stay in this position for about 1 minute, come back to normal. Repeat this asana 4-5 times.

The practice of Dhanurasana is very beneficial. To do this asana, keep the hands straight while lying on the stomach. Now exhale while bending the knees. Make an arch by bringing the heels towards the back and holding the feet with your hands. Taking a deep breath, raise the chest above the ground. Repeat this asana 5-10 times.

(PC: Freepik)