Bamboo plant Vastu Tips: We often keep many types of trees and plants in the house for decoration of the house. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping some plants in the house is considered auspicious, while some plants can also give negative effects. Bamboo means the bamboo plant is made up of many stalks and all these stalks are tied together, which is considered auspicious to keep in the house.

Represents the five elements
The bamboo plant is believed to represent the five elements earth, fire, air, water, and wood. Applying it at home removes many types of problems. Along with this, new ways of getting money also open. By planting a bamboo plant in the bedroom, the sweetness remains in married life.

Grow like this
According to Vastu, one of the benefits of a bamboo plant is that this plant attracts wealth and good fortune. For good luck, bamboo should be planted in groups of 8 or 9 stalks. It is said that planting bamboo plants cures diseases and keeps the person's body healthy.

Which direction is better
According to Vastu Shastra, if you want to plant a bamboo plant at home or office, then the best direction is East. If you plant a bamboo plant in this direction, there will be peace and happiness in the house. Along with this, the economic condition also improves.

Keep these things in mind
Bamboo plants should never be kept near the window. Because this plant can get spoiled in the sun. Which can also affect your financial condition. According to Vastu, it is auspicious for the bamboo plant to grow up to a height of 2 to 3 feet.
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