The present-day lifestyle is such that the effect of the body not getting adequate nutrition and increased stress starts appearing on the hair. The problem of hair fall starts troubling you before time. There is always a fear that one day we may become bald due to falling hair. The problem of baldness in youth creates a very frightening situation. If you want to avoid this problem, then today we are going to tell you about some things that can prevent baldness by preventing the problem of hair fall with their nutrients and properties. Let us know about these things...

Nigella seeds
You can also use nigella seeds to prevent hair fall and grow new hair. For this, grind nigella seeds and make powder. Then mix this powder in water and wash your head with this water. Within a few days, hair fall will start reducing and new hair will also start growing on the head.

Castor oil
Castor oil is considered the most powerful medicine to remove baldness. Castor oil works as a moisturizing agent. Castor oil is considered beneficial in removing many hair and skin problems. For this, all you have to do is take some castor oil on your palm apply it on your head, and massage it thoroughly. By doing this, not only will the hair roots get nourishment but soon hair will also start growing on your head.

Apple vinegar
It balances the pH of the scalp and removes any germs that may hinder hair growth. It also stimulates circulation. To use, dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your hair with it after washing your head with shampoo. Massage the scalp for a minute or two and then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this twice a week.

Onion juice
Sulfur found in onion accelerates the blood flow in our head. For this, you have to cut the onion and extract its juice. After that add a few drops of honey in it. Apply the mixture of both on the roots of the hair. Doing this regularly will increase blood circulation in the hair roots and will also get rid of the problem of fungus and bacteria. By doing this, baldness can also be cured.

Aloe vera gel
Aloe Vera, famous as a herbal plant, is considered very beneficial for hair and skin. Aloe vera gel helps a lot in hair growth. For this, all you have to do is apply a little aloe vera gel on the head daily and massage it well. By doing this regularly you will soon start seeing the effect. Aloe vera reopens the closed pores in the hair root.

Ginger juice
Ginger contains bioactive compounds that stimulate circulation to the scalp and renew hair follicles. To use, take 1-2 inches of ginger root and 2 tablespoons of olive oil or jojoba oil. Grate ginger and soak it in oil for a few minutes. Apply it on the head and massage for 2-3 minutes. Leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair. Do this regularly twice a week for a few weeks.

Lemon juice
Lemon is very useful for problems like hair fall, dandruff, and dry hair. For this, all you have to do is mix lemon juice with oil and massage your head with it. By doing this regularly you will soon see results.

You can take the help of licorice to regrow hair and remove baldness. For this, take some licorice and add a few drops of milk to it, and also add a pinch of saffron. Then grind it and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on your head before sleeping at night and shampoo in the morning.

The egg is the best source of protein. Protein is very important for hair growth and preventing hair fall. It not only increases hair growth but also makes hair shiny, soft, and thick. It also removes baldness. First of all separate the egg yolk. Now beat it and apply that paste thoroughly on the hair follicles. Leave it like this for an hour. Then wash the hair with shampoo. You can also use whole eggs as a hair mask.

(PC: Freepik)