Bageshwar Dham Sarkar Chhatarpur Travel Details: These days Bageshwar Dham of Madhya Pradesh and its importance Pt. Dhirendra Shastri is in a lot of discussions. Many claims are being made regarding the Bageshwar Dham government. It is being said that Pt. Dhirendra Shastri can do mind reading, get rid of evil spirits, and solve any problem of the devotees. Mahant Dhirendra Shastri is also accused of spreading superstition. However, amidst all this, many devotees want to visit Bageshwar Dham. Wishing to visit this holy place associated with Hinduism. Although Bageshwar Dham and Pandit Dhirendra Shastri have become quite famous in the last few months, not many people know much about Bageshwar Dham. In such a situation, if you also want to visit Bageshwar Dham, then complete information is being given here to reach this religious place of Madhya Pradesh. Let us know where Bageshwar Dham is located, how to reach Bageshwar Dham, how to visit Bageshwar Dham, the train or bus route, and the total cost of visiting Bageshwar Dham.

Where is Bageshwar Dham Sarkar located?
Bageshwar Temple Dham Sarkar, which has become one of the famous pilgrimage sites of Hindus, is located in the Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Bageshwar Dham Temple is a famous temple of Lord Balaji. It is about 35 kilometers by road from the small town of Ganj situated on the Khajuraho Panna road in the Chhatarpur district.

How to reach Bageshwar Dham
If you want to visit Bageshwar Dham Sarkar Temple, then you can reach here by road or by train or by air. The distance from Bhopal to Bageshwar Dham is approximately 365 km. If you want to go to Bageshwar Dham by train, then the nearest railway station is Chhatarpur Railway Station or Khajuraho Railway Station. You can easily get taxis or buses from this railway station. The distance of Bageshwar Dham from Chhatarpur Railway Station is 25 km. The distance from Delhi to Bageshwar Dham is approximately 444 km. By traveling for 12 hours in your private car or bus, you can reach Bageshwar Dham Sarkar for darshan.

Trains are stopped two kilometers before reaching Bageshwar Dham due to the crowd. Before 8 in the morning, you can take a car and go to the back of the temple. Otherwise, you will be able to go on foot or by taxi after parking your private vehicle in the parking lot two kilometers in advance. Getting a tempo can be a bit difficult due to the crowd, so travel on foot.

Cost of going to Bageshwar Dham
A train will be available from Delhi to Chhatarpur, whose sleeper class fare is around Rs 320 and the third AC fare is up to Rs 800. At the same time, many trains will be available for Chhatarpur from Indore or Bhopal. The fare from Chhatarpur by train will be less than Rs.1000. You can reach Bageshwar Dham via public bus or taxi. Its cost will also be less than Rs 500 per person. One can visit Bageshwar Dham Sarkar per person on a budget of just Rs.5000. Khajuraho temple is located nearby, and you can also visit there during the journey.
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