There are many beneficial and welfare schemes in the country, through which people living in rural areas are benefited from urban areas. There is a provision to give the benefit of any government scheme to poor class and needy people. For example, Ayushman can only see the Bharat Scheme. The central government runs this scheme and now many state governments are also connected to it. This is a health plan and through this, efforts are made to benefit the needy and poor. So let's know about this plan, eligibility, and how to apply without delay. In the next slides, you can learn about this ...

What is the plan?
The full name of the scheme is the Ayushman Bharat Scheme
The scheme was run for people working in the unorganized sector especially
The central government operates this scheme

This is the benefit to be found:-
Under this scheme, Ayushman cards of eligible people are made and then the cardholder can get treatment up to five lakh rupees for free in listed hospitals. The government bears the entire cost of this.

These people can be eligible for the scheme:-
Those who are destitute or tribal
Landless people
People whose houses are raw
Those who are daily wage laborers
People who live in rural areas
Whose family has a disabled member etc.

If you are eligible, you can apply like this:-
Step 1

To get an Ayushman card, first one has to go to your nearest CSC center
At the center, you have to meet the concerned officer and give them your documents, which are verified.

Step 2
After this your eligibility is checked and the rest is also
Then when everything is found correct, your application process is completed.
​(PC: iStock)