Many suggestions have been given in Ayurveda to overcome the problems related to digestion. In Ayurveda, special attention is paid to the nature of the body, the effect of food items and the time of eating and drinking. Many rules have been given in Ayurveda regarding which things to eat in which season, and which foods to stay away from at what time. In today's time, most people are troubled by indigestion due to wrong eating habits. Especially, after eating something heavy, many people start having problems with gas and bloating. To avoid indigestion after heavy meals, you should follow the advice given by Ayurvedic experts. DrNeetikaKohli is giving this information. DrNitika has done MD in Ayurveda. She is in this profession for the last 17 years.

How to avoid indigestion after a heavy meal?

  • Heavy meals are difficult to digest. Especially, people whose digestion is weak, have more problems with gas, bloating and indigestion after eating heavy food.
  • According to experts, if you drink cold water with food or after eating, then indigestion can happen.
  • Drinking cold water especially after a heavy meal is not considered right in Ayurveda.

  • On the other hand, if you drink lukewarm water with food or shortly after eating, then there is no problem with bloating, gas and acidity.
  • Also, it improves digestion. Lukewarm water is called synodal in Ayurveda.
  • If you drink lukewarm water after eating spicy food, then fat does not accumulate in the body.
  • Drinking lukewarm water increases blood flow in the digestive system, which improves digestion.
  • You can also drink boiled ginger in lukewarm water after heavy meals.

Tips to get rid of indigestion

If you have a problem with indigestion after eating heavy food, then you should consume probiotic foods along with food. This creates good bacteria in the intestines and improves digestion. You can eat curd with food.

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