Now the time has changed and now people do not have to stand in long lines at banks to withdraw money as before. Instead of this, whenever people want, they withdraw money from their nearest ATM with the help of a debit card. This process is very easy and full of transparency. Not only this, it also saves a lot of people's time. But we also cannot deny the fact that as much as we have progressed in technology, fraudsters are also coming up with new ways to cheat people. For example, many times at the ATM, knowingly or unknowingly, we make some such mistakes, due to which we even become a victim of fraud. That's why it is important that whenever you go to withdraw money from an ATM, keep a few things in mind. So let's know what are these things...

Avoid making these mistakes:-
Avoiding Cloning Device

Whenever you go to withdraw money from an ATM, check the card slot carefully to see if there is a cloning device in it. If you feel the slightest way, do not withdraw money from such ATMs. Also, inform the bank and the police about this.

Cover the keypad
It is generally seen that when people withdraw money from ATM, they do not cover the keypad while entering the PIN. Keep in mind that whenever entering the ATM PIN, cover the keypad with the other hand so that no one can see your PIN.

Don't take help from strangers
The biggest mistake people see at ATMs is that they take the help of an unknown person to withdraw money. Never do this, if you do not know how to withdraw money from ATM, then do not go to withdraw money or take someone with you from home who knows how to withdraw money from ATM.

Don't take cash from anyone
Nowadays such fraud is going on at ATMs, in which many people are getting trapped. In this, the ATMs on which there is a little line. Their thugs take the cash and ask the people in line to take the cash from us and transfer the money to us online. In such a situation, people in line do this to save time but note here that the note that the person in front is giving you can be fake. Such fraud is going on nowadays. So stay away from it.

(PC: Freepik)