Photo credit: TV9 Bharatvarsh

We all know very well that the things we use in our homes to look after our appearance on a daily basis are of great importance. According to Vastu Shastra, if there is a mirror in the wrong direction in the house, then due to this many problems start coming into your life. According to astrology, it has been told that if there is a mirror in the right direction in the house, then your married life also remains happy. It is believed that not only the right direction of the mirror but also its shape affects your life. In such a situation, according to the astrology related to the mirror, the measures given can prove to be very effective for you. Let us know in detail about these measures –

Photo credit: TV9 Bharatvarsh

* According to Vastu Shastra, there is such a place in the house where if you place a mirror, it affects your success. According to Vastu Shastra, it is believed that never make the mistake of placing a mirror in the bedroom, and because of this, your married life is affected. If the mirror in the house is placed towards the main door, then it is believed that it will return the positive energy coming into your house.

* According to Vastu Shastra, it is considered auspicious to always place a mirror in the north direction of the house. It is believed that placing an object connected to glass in this direction does not give inauspicious results, so try to always place the mirror in the same direction in the house.

* According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, the mirror installed in the house should never be kept dirty, it is believed that due to dirty mirrors, negative energy starts coming into your house and your success starts getting obstructed.

* According to Vastu Shastra, a broken mirror should never be kept in the house.

Photo credit: India TV Hindi

* It is seen that most people put a mirror in their bedroom as a decoration, but do you know that according to Vastu Shastra, it is very wrong to do so, it is believed that by doing this poverty starts coming into your house. Apart from this, due to the mirror in the bedroom, your married life also starts getting affected, sometimes the relationship can also break.

* According to Vastu rules, broken glass should never be installed in the house because of this, negativity starts coming into your house, and at the same time, your financial condition also starts getting worse. Change it immediately or take it off and keep it out of the house.