Asanas Benefits: Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. But sometimes the extra fat accumulated near the thighs and hips makes our body shapeless. Because of which no dress suits us. Thick legs look very ugly. Because of which it does not look good to wear short dress.

Those who are troubled by their shapeless body, today's article is going to be very useful for them. Today we are going to tell you about some special exercises which make you fit and slim. Let's know in detail.

Ardha Pinch Mayurasana
Ardha Pinch Mayurasana increases blood circulation, right way to do it, benefits and precautions. How To Do Ardha Pincha Mayurasana Aka Dolphin Pose Step By Step Instructions In Hindi
Ardh Pinch Mayurasana is very easy to get the body in shape. It is also known as Dolphin pose. That's because this pose looks like a dolphin fish.

To do this asana, first of all sit on your knees.
After that keep the four head on the floor, in this position keep in mind that your shoulders and elbows should be in a straight line.
Now lift your waist, hips and knees upwards.
And keep your toes and feet absolutely straight.
After this, while relaxing the neck, slowly move the shoulders upwards away from the ears.
When you do this posture, take a deep breath at that time and stay in this pose for some time.
Do this asana regularly, soon you will see the result.

Leg lifts
Side-lying leg lift exercise] Here's what happens if you do side leg lift exercises regularly. IWMBuzz Hindi
If your thighs are too thick, then leg lifts are very good to bring them in that slim and shape. With this, your legs come into shape very quickly.
To exercise side leg lifts, first of all, lie down on a yoga mat with a right side turn.
Now support your head with your right hand, and keep your left hand on the waist.
After that, keeping the neck straight, look in front.
Now keep the body straight and without bending, lift your left leg upwards and then bring it down.
Do this process for about 10 minutes.
Now you change your position while changing your position.
And like before, repeat the exercise this time also.