Who doesn't like good and tasty food, do you know where the taste comes from in some food, which makes people enjoy the food? The main reason for this is asafoetida, yes, through this spice the taste of our food improves. This is an ingredient that is also called a Secret Recipe. For information, let us tell you that asafoetida not only enhances the taste of food but is also beneficial for our health, it protects our body from diseases. But do you know that if you eat fake asafoetida, it can cause severe damage to the body? Let us know how to identify real and fake

How to identify whether asafoetida is real or fake?
1. Burn it and see

It is very important to identify real asafoetida, our health is connected to it, so if you want to identify asafoetida, burn it and see whether it is real or fake. If it is real asafoetida, its flame becomes bright when it burns. Also, let us tell you that fake asafoetida does not burn easily.

2. Identify by color
You can also identify asafoetida by color, let us tell you that the real color of asafoetida is light brown, also, by tempering it in ghee, it starts swelling, and then its color changes to red. If this does not happen, then you should immediately change your asafoetida because it is not real asafoetida. Also, let us tell you that when dissolved in water, real asafoetida becomes white like water, but there is no change in fake asafoetida.

3. Identify by smell
Let us tell you that the smell of real asafoetida does not go away quickly. If you take asafoetida in your hand and wash it with soap, then the smell of real asafoetida does not go away quickly, whereas if it is fake asafoetida, then its smell goes away immediately, due to which you can know the difference.

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