HPV Infection Human papillomavirus infection ie HPV can also happen through an injury or wound on the nail. If you are also fond of getting a manicure or pedicure done, then definitely read this article and understand how it can lead to serious illness.

HPV Infection: Who does not like clean hands and feet? Especially women take special care that their hands and feet always look good. Manicure and pedicure parlors are not popular for no reason. However, if you too often get manicures or pedicures done, then it's time to be careful! Yes, even a small cut during this process can lead to human papillomavirus infection (HPV), which can also lead to cancer. If you don't believe me, let me tell you the unfortunate story of Grace Garcia.

Cancer caused by manicure

A resident of the US, Garcia went to a new nail salon for a simple manicure session. The technician there too harshly removed the cuticles of his nails, which resulted in a wound at the site. The wound never healed well, and after some time Garcia learned that she had developed a form of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, a non-melanoma form of cancer, caused by a human papillomavirus infection.

Experts believe that the nail technician may have used manicure tools on another person as well, which resulted in HPV infection. This infection can be spread from one person to another through skin contact.

What is human papillomavirus infection (HPV)?

Human papillomavirus is a viral infection that can occur through skin-to-skin contact. Although there are more than 100 types of HPV, it is believed that 40 of these are transmitted through sexual contact, which can affect the mouth, genitals, and throat. If a person is infected with HPV, even if there are no symptoms or signs, he can pass the disease on. Also, keep in mind that symptoms can appear years after having sex with the person. According to the US CDC, HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections among people.

What are the symptoms of HPV?

HPV usually does not cause any health problems or symptoms, and the infection may clear up on its own within a few years. However, high-risk HPV infections can last longer and cause cancer in the cells of the penis and cervix.

During this time only one type of symptom can appear and that is the presence of warts, it includes common warts, genital warts, flat warts, and plantar warts. Warts can spread from one person to another.

When does the risk of HPV infection increase?

skin wound

direct contact with a wart

having sex with multiple people

having a weak immune system

What can be done to avoid HPV infection?

Because HPV has no symptoms or signs, it is a bit difficult to avoid. However, the best way to prevent it is to get the HPV vaccine. This vaccine is not only safe and effective but also protects you from cancer caused by HPV. Screening for cervical cancer is very important for women who are 21 to 65 years old. With this, the risk of infection and cancer can be detected in time. If you are sexually active, practice safe sex and always use a condom.

Is there a cure for HPV?

There is no cure for HPV infection, most HPV get better on their own. However, your doctor may call you back several times to check if it is still there. On the other hand, talking about warts can be removed with the help of medicines or creams. Apart from this, laser surgery is also a method.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.