Usually, when wrinkles start appearing on the face, it is understood that the age of this person has started increasing and the effect of old age has started coming on it, but nowadays unhealthy diet, messed up lifestyle, excessive make-up, and chemical-based beauty products. Because of this, this has started happening with young people as well. For this, if you do not want to resort to medication or yoga, then you can do a special home remedy.

Jaggery is beneficial for health
We are talking about jaggery which brings amazing sweetness to our tongue. This usually not only gives relief from colds and coughs but also boosts the immunity of the body. But very few people know that eating jaggery can improve our skin and also get rid of wrinkles that occur at an early age.

Nutrients found in jaggery
There is no shortage of nutrients in jaggery, it is rich in vitamin A and vitamin B, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. The vitamins present in it act as a natural cleanser for the skin. On the other hand, eating jaggery cleanses our body internally. If you want, you can drink jaggery along with lukewarm water.

Remove wrinkles with the help of jaggery
If you want the wrinkles visible on the face to disappear or to reduce the effect of aging, then for this you add a pinch of turmeric, a spoonful of grape juice, a spoonful of black tea, and rose water to a spoonful of jaggery, and prepare it. Apply the paste on the face for about 15 minutes. At last wash the face with clean water.

Stains will also go away
You can use jaggery to remove facial spots. Take one spoon of jaggery powder, now mix one spoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric, and one spoon of tomato juice in it. Apply its paste on the face and leave it to dry for 20 minutes. Now wash the face with water. If regular adopt this process, then the spots will go away.

(PC: Freepik)