Anjina Rajagopal, who lives in Kozhikode, Kerala, studied in Bellary, Karnataka. She has five siblings, of which three brothers are younger and two sisters are older. Later her entire family shifted from Bellary to Delhi. Due to the marriage of their elder sisters and the ill health of their mother, many responsibilities came upon her. She started working and started working in the store department of a newspaper.

Compassion in Anjana

At the age of just 10, Anjana used to get sad seeing the condition of poor children. When she saw such children who would come to beg for money by singing and dancing and crying due to hunger and thirst, she used to get disturbed.

Once while going to the office, Anjana saw a person beating a handicapped child, which Anjana opposed. She came to know that the child had no one. She brought the child home with her. The name of the child was Rajat, whom she taught. Today that 10-year-old child has become 45 years old.

Mother's death
When Anjana was 28 years old, her mother passed away. Later her father also passed away. After this, Anjana dedicated her life to such helpless children and gave shelter to two disabled children. Gradually the number started increasing. Initially, she used to raise the children from her salary but when more children started coming, her friends and an organization also helped.

Later Anjana started an organization named 'Sai Kripa'. She faced difficulties in taking care of the children because she also worked. She left her job to take care of the children. Friends and family members asked her why she was leaving her job for orphan children but her determination did not let her back. She started asking for donations. She did charity shows and raised funds. A foundation bought the entire building and gave it to the organization.

3 thousand children in Bal Kutir
More than three thousand children got shelter in her Bal Kutir, where children from newborn to 10-12 years of age come. If any child is left in the hospital, then the hospital administration gives him to Anjana's Bal Kutir. The entire upbringing of the children is done in the center and efforts are made to find a family for them.

School opened for the education of children
When many schools did not admit the children of Bal Kutir, a school named Shri Sai Shiksha Sansthan was started in Nangla Wajidpur, where along with the children of Bal Kutir, poor children of the village also studied. Apart from this, Shri Sai Bal Sansar School was also opened in Noida, where begging children are taught. Along with this, a branch of it, Vatsalya Vatika, was started, which is for special children.

(PC: LindkIn)