Most of us ignore problems like frequent headaches, common fever, but do you know that in some situations it can also have serious health side effects? These common health problems can also be a sign of serious underlying diseases in some situations, due to which there can be a risk of death. Health experts are warning people about the increasing risks of brain tumors around the world. Statistics show that every year brain tumors are causing the death of more than 2.5 lakh people.

In the year 2020, 2.46 lakh people died due to brain tumor and cancer caused by it. Doctors say, despite having a brain tumor, you may not know about it for many years. In many cases, the tumor develops so slowly that its symptoms are not visible. In this situation, it is necessary that you keep paying serious attention to some common signs. This is the reason why doctors advise not to ignore frequent headaches.

Let's know how to find out if you have a brain tumor?

Know about brain tumor

Before knowing about the symptoms of brain tumor, it is important to understand what exactly is a brain tumor?

Brain tumor is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells in or around the brain. It can also be a cancer factor. Studies show that more than 120 different types of tumors can develop in the brain. If someone in the family has a brain tumor, then other people are also advised to be careful. Apart from this, people working in the plastic and chemical industry can also be at risk.

You can be a victim of this serious problem due to heredity, lifestyle-diet disorders along with many environmental conditions?

Do you also often have headaches? Doctors say that in case of brain tumor, you may have many types of problems, headache is its most common sign. Doctors say, headache or pressure that increases more in the morning or frequent headache can be a sign of brain tumor in many cases. If you also have such a problem, then definitely consult a doctor.

The symptoms of brain tumor depend on its size and location. In many cases, the symptoms also depend on how fast the brain tumor is growing? Headache is considered its early sign, do not ignore it.

Also know about these symptoms of brain tumor
People who have a brain tumor problem are at risk of many types of health problems and it can have many types of symptoms.

Headache or pressure that is more in the morning.

Headache that occurs frequently and is more severe.

Feeling like nausea or vomiting.

Eye problems, such as blurred vision, double vision.

Loss of sensation or movement in the hands or feet.

Difficulty in physical balance and speech.

Having memory problems over time.

Often feeling dizzy or feeling like the world is spinning.

Brain tumor is not always cancer

It is not necessary that all cases of brain tumor are cancerous. The risk of it becoming serious can be reduced with timely treatment.

If you are older, obese or are more exposed to chemicals, then it is important to pay serious attention to the signs of brain tumor. If the disease is detected on time, then the chances of its treatment and recovery also increase.

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