Many home remedies are effective in relieving stomach pain, gas and indigestion. Many such remedies have been used in our Indian homes for generations. The spices present in our kitchen not only enhance the taste of food but also have many health benefits. Often people feel gas and bloating in the stomach after eating something heavy, or they start having pain in the stomach due to gas. Celery is very effective in removing this. Yes, today in 'Dil Se Indian' we are telling you how you can take the help of celery in removing all the problems related to gas, indigestion and stomach. This indigenous remedy is used in almost every Indian family and Ayurvedic doctor DeekshaBhavsar also considers it to be accurate.

Ajwain will remove stomach gas

  • Celery seeds not only add aroma and taste to the food, but they can also give you relief from all the problems related to digestion.
  • It contains many elements which are very good for digestion.
  • Celery contains high amounts of dietary fibre. Apart from this, Thymon is found in it which provides relief from gas and indigestion and also prevents flatulence.
  • If you feel heaviness in your stomach after eating, then definitely consume this.
  • The biggest reason for gas formation or bloating in the stomach is not digesting food properly. When food starts rotting in the stomach instead of being digested, it causes indigestion.
  • For food to be digested properly, the food must break down in the stomach.
  • The gastric juices released from celery break down the food, making it easier to digest.

How to eat celery to remove gas

  • To get relief from stomach pain caused by gas, take 1 teaspoon of celery with black salt after meals. Chew it and eat it. This relieves stomach ache.
  • You can also drink celery tea. Add 1 teaspoon celery and a pinch of asafoetida in 1 cup water. Boil it till it reduces to half and then drink it.
  • Apart from this, while preparing flour, pulses or vegetables, add celery in it.

Image Credit: Freepik


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