As the summer season approaches, people go out of their homes less and people do not even allow their children to go out of the house. In fact, during the summer season, people sweat profusely and even fall sick due to heatstroke. Therefore, people avoid heat by running coolers and ACs in their homes. At the same time, if you are going to buy a new AC this summer, then you must know one thing what is the difference between 5-star and 3-star rated AC. This becomes necessary so that after buying the AC you do not have to regret that you wish you had bought 5 stars or 3 stars etc. So let us know what is the difference between the two. You can learn about this further...

Difference between the two:-
Whose insulation is good?

The ACs that have a 5-star rating have good insulation due to which they do not make much noise when running. Whereas, ACs with 3-star ratings make more noise than those with 5-star ratings.

Which has more cooling capacity?
If we talk about cooling capacity, then AC with a 5 5-star rating has more cooling capacity as compared to a 3-star. This is because these ACs have good condensers, due to which they produce less heat as compared to 3-star rated ACs.

Who can reduce the electricity bill?
You need to understand that the more stars, the more savings in electricity bills. In such a situation, if you are buying a 3-star AC, then it consumes more electricity as compared to 5 5-star AC, that is, the electricity bill is higher.

Whereas, running a 5-star AC can reduce the electricity bill as compared to 3 3-star AC. This also happens because 3-star ACs work harder to cool the room than ACs with 5-star ratings. This consumes more electricity.

(PC: Pixabay)