The summer season has arrived. In such a situation, the heat of summer has increased considerably. The effect of heat will increase even more in the coming months. In such a situation, many people use AC in their homes to get relief from the scorching heat. It is worth noting that if you have installed a new AC and are using it. There is no problem in this situation. Whereas if you are going to run your old AC after some time in the summer season. In such a situation, you should do some important tasks. If you do not do these tasks before running the AC. In such a situation, your AC will not provide good cooling. In this series, let us know those important tasks which you must do before running the AC.

For your information, let us tell you that when the air filter becomes dirty. During that time the cold air of the AC reduces. If you have not got the AC serviced after the last season and want to run the AC.

In such a situation, you should clean the AC filter. You should keep cleaning the air filter of the AC every 15 days. Apart from this, you must also get your AC serviced.

With this your AC will work well. By doing this the cooling of your AC will be better. You should get your AC serviced by a good mechanic only.

Many times, while servicing the AC, the mechanics do not pay attention to the problem of gas leakage of the AC. In such a situation, whenever you get your AC serviced. During that time you must get gas leakage checked in the AC.