To keep the body healthy, it is advised to include seasonal fruits and vegetables in the diet. Changes in the weather have a direct effect on our bodies. But if we change our diet and lifestyle according to the season, then seasonal changes do not have a bad effect on our body, but a good one. According to Ayurveda, many things are prohibited to be eaten during monsoon i.e. rainy season. Some vegetables should be kept away from your diet in this season. They affect the natural flow of our body and also affect the digestive fire. Ayurvedic doctor NeetikaKohli is giving information about this. Dr Nitika is MD in Ayurveda. She has an experience of about 17 years in this field.


According to Ayurveda, you should not eat capsicum during the rainy season. Its nature is cold. Because of this, it can disturb the fire element present in our bodies. This can increase acidity in the body. It also aggravates Vata and Pitta doshas. That's why it should not be eaten in monsoon or should be eaten in small quantities.


Experts also advise not to eat spinach during monsoon. It increases Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and reduces Kapha dosha. Especially, in monsoon it can give rise to many problems related to digestion. Even so, it is advised to reduce green leafy vegetables in monsoon. Spinach can also increase gastrointestinal infections in the body.


Eating cauliflower in monsoon is also prohibited in Ayurveda. Its nature is cool and fluid. It can weaken Jathragni (digestive fire). Increasing the vata dosha in the body reduces pitta and kapha doshas.


Like cauliflower, cabbage should also be kept away from your plate during this season. Its nature is Sheetal (cold) and Guru (heavy). It is also difficult to digest in the rainy season. This can cause problems related to digestion.


Tomato is used in every season to enhance the taste of food and as a salad. But according to experts, it should not be eaten in the rain. Due to its hot and sour properties, it can increase acidity and lead to an overabundance of all three doshas in the body.

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