Insulin resistance is not detected until your body shows symptoms of prediabetes and type-2 diabetes. Today let's learn from a nutritionist about those superfoods which can manage it.

When we fall ill, one way or the other different changes are seen in the body. Similarly, when you have diabetes, even then small changes are seen in the body. Diabetes is caused by insulin, which regulates your blood sugar. When we consume carbs, these carbs are broken down into glucose with the help of the digestive system. With their help, our body gets help in making energy.

When you have the problem of insulin resistance when your body is not able to absorb this glucose. However, it is not that you cannot manage it. If you pay attention to your diet and eat superfoods that can help you reduce insulin resistance, you can live a healthy life.

Functional Hormonal Health Care Expert Shikha Gupta shares health-related information and diet plans through her social media accounts. He has shared a lot on Instagram about insulin resistance. She writes in a post, "Your diet plays a big role in managing insulin resistance, so it is important that you include 5 superfoods in your diet." Let us know from the experts which are these 5 superfoods.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It transports glucose from the blood to muscle cells, liver, and fat. After this, it is further used for energy. This hormone is important because it prevents sugar from building up in your bloodstream.


In people with diabetes, the cells do not respond properly to insulin. Cinnamon is one such superfood, which can help you in reducing blood sugar. It increases the sensitivity of insulin, due to which it works efficiently. The compound present in cinnamon helps the cells in the body to take up glucose from the bloodstream.


Consuming walnuts can be beneficial for you. It manages insulin resistance and can also help control the risk of type-2 diabetes. The glycemic index of walnuts is low, so it should be included in the diet. However, keep in mind that consumes only a handful of walnuts throughout the day.


People suffering from diabetes must consume ghee. Ghee contains fatty acids, which help in metabolizing high blood glucose levels. Adding ghee to food lowers its glycemic index, which in turn helps control your blood sugar levels.


The fish that is being talked about here is wild fish, which are found in rivers and sea. They contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids and our insulin resistance is also controlled by their consumption.


A diet high in unsaturated fatty acids improves your insulin sensitivity and blood glucose regulation. And avocados, which are rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids, can improve your insulin concentration. You can eat avocado for breakfast. Its regular intake can also manage cholesterol levels.

If you want to control insulin resistance, then do not forget to consume these superfoods now. However, also keep in mind that before starting a new diet plan, consult your doctor.

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