An increase in weight, especially belly fat, has become the biggest problem nowadays. Increasing obesity not only reduces beauty but also increases the risk of many problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc.

To reduce belly fat, women adopt various measures, some do dieting, and some spend hours sweating in the gym. Apart from this, some resort to chemical-rich products available in the market. But, stubborn belly fat does not reduce.

Therefore, today we are going to tell you healthy ways to lose weight. If you also want to reduce weight and belly fat quickly, then definitely try these 5 golden rules. Maternal and child nutritionist Dr. Ramita Kaur is telling us about these.

1. Avoid midnight snacking

Although midnight snacking feels good after a tiring day, it accumulates extra calories. Apart from this, metabolism slows down at night and whatever we eat at night gets easily converted into fat as compared to the day.

If you want to reduce fat storage, eat according to the body clock and natural circadian rhythm. Apart from this, by eating food early, the body digests the food well, which keeps the weight under control.

2. Watch your carbs

If you want to lose weight, be careful when considering carbs. It is not necessary to follow a low-carb diet, but eating carbs like fruit juices, cookies and junk foods is not good.

Instead, include complex carbs like vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains etc. in your diet. All of them are rich in fibre, which helps in reducing weight. This is because eating it keeps the stomach full for a long time.

3. Do exercise

To reduce belly fat along with weight, it is necessary to exercise. You can get a lot of benefits from the combination of weight training and cardio. Cardio helps in increasing stamina and metabolism. This includes running, skipping, jumping jacks and cycling.

Additionally, it is important to incorporate weight training as the skin begins to sag when you lose weight. Including weight training in your routine helps in tightening the muscles as well as toning them.

4. Take protein diet

To lose weight, it is necessary to take a protein diet. Adding lean protein to your plate helps you feel full whenever you eat, which prevents unhealthy cravings.

People who get enough protein feel satisfied and do not crave refined carbs.

5. Get enough sleep at night

Getting good sleep at night keeps your health good. Almost everyone knows this, but do you know that it also reduces your weight rapidly?

Whereas, sleeping less than 5 hours at night increases weight and belly fat and increases insulin resistance. Therefore, one must take at least 7 hours of sleep at night.

You too can reduce belly fat along with weight by trying these golden rules.

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