image credit: bebeautiful

With the help of rose water ice cubes, the facial skin can be kept hydrated in summer. Rose water not only brightens the face but also makes the skin soft. Regular massage of the face with the help of rose water ice cubes can remove the blackness of the heat present on the face.

image credit: masalamonk

How to make rose water ice cubes

First, arrange rose water, some rose leaves, and an ice tray. After this, take a bowl and pour rose water into it and also add some rose petals. Now mix all these and fill them in an ice tray and keep them in the fridge. After two to four hours in the fridge, when it gets frozen, take them out for use.

image credit: bebeautiful

After freezing in the fridge, 'Gulab Jal Ice Cubes' will be ready. Massage it well by applying it on the face. Using this method regularly in summer removes dead skin and accumulated dirt from the skin. Also, the face gives a feeling of freshness.