Many changes take place in the body at different stages of age and hence it is advisable to make changes in eating habits and lifestyle. Especially, hormonal fluctuations in women have a special impact on their health. By the time they cross 40, almost all women have gone through the phase of pregnancy and post-pregnancy. By this time, symptoms of increasing age gradually start appearing in the body of women. In such a situation, women should pay special attention to diet to look younger, stay healthy and avoid diseases.

Here we are telling you about 4 such herbs which women must eat after the age of 40. Doctor Shikha Sharma is telling us about this. Doctor Sharma studied in Delhi. By following Vedic and modern nutrition, she helps people choose the right diet and stay healthy.


Amla is considered very beneficial for women's health. Its flowers, fruits, roots, leaves and stems are used in making many Ayurvedic medicines. There are 5 Rasas present in it and it helps in balancing all the three doshas. Along with constipation, fever, gas, acidity and bone-related problems, it also removes the signs of ageing.


Asparagus is a magical herb for women's health. It helps in balancing female hormones and has a relaxing effect on our mind and body. It is considered good for PMS, periods, menopause, fertility etc. Especially, women after the age of 40 must consume it.


Moringa is no less than a superfood for women's health. It improves the levels of iron, calcium and many other minerals in the body. Anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. It also helps in maintaining weight by balancing vata and kapha. It improves digestion and is good for joint health.


Ashoka is considered a healthy tonic in Ayurveda. It is very good for the fertile health of women. It helps in regulating the menstrual cycle of women after the age of 40 and makes the time of menopause easier.

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