Drinking too much coffee harms vaginal health, do not repeat these 6 mistakes for the health of the intimate area
- byManasavi
- 20 Jan, 2025

Nowadays women have become very aware about their intimate hygiene. Various types of products are available in the market to maintain intimate hygiene. But do you know that even today women make many mistakes in the name of pubic hygiene, which can actually irritate their intimate area.
Image: AdobeStock
To stay fresh, we drink all kinds of drinks, exercise, talk to friends, but do you know that to feel fresh, it is equally important to take care of intimate hygiene. Intimate areas i.e. vagina, anus and surrounding areas are very sensitive. Due to being packed all day, they sweat and there is a high risk of growth of harmful germs. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain intimate hygiene (intimate hygiene mistakes), otherwise even after all your efforts, you do not feel fresh.
Nowadays women have become very aware about their intimate hygiene. Various types of products are available in the market to maintain intimate hygiene. But do you know that even today women make many mistakes in the name of pubic hygiene, which can actually irritate their intimate area. Now you must be wondering what are these mistakes that we are repeating! So don't worry, today we will tell you 6 such intimate hygiene mistakes which should be avoided (intimate hygiene mistakes).
Here are 6 intimate hygiene mistakes that you should avoid
1. Try to maintain hygiene at all times
There are many women who try to overclean their intimate area to keep it fresh. For which they frequently use scented products, intimate washes etc. bought from the market. By doing this, the vaginal pH of women can become unbalanced, and the vaginal odor can also increase. Not only this, many times the use of wrong products also increases the risk of vaginal infection.
If you want to feel fresh, then give freshness to your vagina as well, we are telling you the method. Image: Adobestock
All women should try to avoid repeating this mistake. If you want to keep your intimate area clean, clean the vagina twice a day with lukewarm water and mild soap diluted in water. Clean the vagina with normal water before sleeping at night, so that you do not feel any kind of irritation while sleeping.
2. Wearing tight and synthetic underwear
Undergarments of many different designs and fabrics have come in the market, and women are increasing their interest in fancy undergarments. Many women wear tight undergarments made of synthetic fabric, which can actually cause bacterial and fungal growth. At the same time, air does not pass in them and sweat gets trapped, due to which women keep feeling uncomfortable.
Sometimes itching and irritation may occur due to sweat and bacterial growth. Therefore, it is always advisable to wear loose cotton undergarments so that they can absorb sweat and discharge. Thus, it helps you feel fresh throughout the day.
3. Ignoring the symptoms
No infection or problem develops suddenly . In the beginning, the body gives many signals, but if ignored continuously, the problem increases. Similarly, any infection or problem related to vagina gives many signals, such as change in the pattern of discharge, feeling of burning sensation, feeling of itching or rash around the vagina.
If you ignore all these for a long time, then you may fall prey to some big problem. That is why as soon as the symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately, so that any problem can be controlled in the beginning.
Too much caffeine is not good for vaginal health. Image: AdobeStock
4. Excessive consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks
Consuming excessive amounts of coffee, carbonated drinks, fruit juices etc. has a negative impact on overall health. Your vagina is also affected by this. Their consumption affects your urinary tract and irritates the bladder, increasing the risk of urinary tract infection. If you have complaints of UTI more frequently, then reduce the consumption of these drinks as much as possible.
Drink adequate water for hydration. Also, it is advisable to take limited quantity of cranberry juice and other vegetable juices. If you want to take fruit juice, then keep its quantity in mind and consume it as limited as possible.
5. Going to bed straight after sex
Often women do not maintain sexual hygiene, which has a negative effect on overall intimate hygiene. It is very important to clean your vagina and anus thoroughly after sex. Sleeping on the bed after sex can increase bacterial growth in the intimate area, which enters the bladder and harms you. Along with this, safe sex is also very important, it prevents unwanted bacteria from being transferred to each other.
It is very important to change period products on time. Image: Adobestock
6. Delaying the replacement of period products
Nowadays women have become aware and are paying a lot of attention to sanitary products. Many women buy expensive sanitary products, tampons and menstrual cups, but forget to change them on time. Due to which infection and vaginal odor can occur. To maintain intimate hygiene, keep changing your sanitary products from time to time during periods, so that any kind of problem can be avoided.