Do you want to convert your love affair into marriage? Then first check these 5 things in your relationship

Is Your Relationship Ready For Marriage : Despite being in a love relationship for a long time, many times couples are not able to remain happy in the marriage relationship. In such a situation, it is important to ensure these things before getting married. 

Being in a love relationship with someone is a different and beautiful feeling. Where two people dream of living together for a lifetime. However, it is not necessary that every relationship reaches marriage. But many times the question arises whether this relationship is ready to take the bond of marriage? Today we are telling you 5 such signs, by knowing which you can understand whether your relationship is ready for marriage or not.


Should you marry your lover or not?

- Do you both see each other in your future? Are you ready to settle down together after marriage, have children and face the ups and downs of life? If both of you answer yes, then it is a sign that your relationship is based on a strong foundation.

- The key to the success of every relationship is clear and open communication. Are you both able to talk openly about every issue? Are you able to express your opinion without hesitation even on complex matters like money, family, career and future? If yes, then you can think about marriage. 

- Respect is very important in a relationship. In such a situation, do both of you respect each other's likes, dislikes, thoughts and desires? Do you support each other even in difficult situations? Because only a relationship full of respect can become a strong bond for marriage.


- A good relationship is one that makes you a better person. Does your partner inspire you to dream? Do both of you help each other move forward? If yes, then you can prove to be a better life partner for each other. 

- Marriage is not just a festival of love, but a lifelong companionship. Do both of you feel comfortable living together? Are you able to be happy together despite your likes and dislikes being different? Comfort in living together indicates that you are ready for married life.