Every country has its citizenship and its rules are fixed. On the other hand, whenever the citizenship of another country is lost, its rules are also fixed and according to that, every country has its procedures, through which the citizens of every country have to go through. At the same time, many people want to get citizenship in another country due to work and many other reasons. There are many countries where the citizenship process is complicated. But there are many countries where citizenship can be obtained only through marriage. Today, in this episode, we have brought information about such countries where you can get citizenship through marriage after falling in true love. So let's know about these countries...

Brazil is the fifth largest country in America and the fifth largest country in the world, where it is very easy to get citizenship through marriage. While in many other countries, the qualification process to obtain citizenship takes years, in Brazil, if you are married to a Brazilian, you can be granted citizenship within a year of your love affair. This process is much better and faster than the investment and permanent residence options, where foreigners can easily stay there after 4 years without any hindrance.

Switzerland is a landlocked and mountainous country located in south-central Europe. It is such an advanced society country that allows citizenship by marriage. If you don't mind the cost of living in Switzerland, which is quite high compared to most developed countries, then you can then marry your partner who is a Swiss citizen. Acquiring Swiss citizenship through a work or residence permit takes time, but citizenship by marriage requires a minimum of five years. You are eligible for citizenship if you have been living here legally for five years and have been married to a Swiss citizen for three years. Apart from some neighboring countries where understanding of the language is a prerequisite, in Switzerland all you need to be a partner is a Swiss citizen.

Spain is also one of the most beautiful countries where it is very easy to get Spanish citizenship by marriage. The fastest way to become Spanish is by marriage. If you marry a citizen, live here, and pay taxes for just one year, you automatically qualify to apply for citizenship. Where it takes 4 years to acquire citizenship in a country, the same is not the case here, and you do not even need to learn Spanish.

This country located in North America, neighboring the United States, Guatemala, and Belize, is one of the places where you can easily acquire citizenship by making a Mexican citizen your spouse. You are eligible to apply for citizenship after two years of living here in Mexico with your spouse. Second, you also qualify for a Mexican passport, where you can enter 134 countries visa-free.

This beautiful Central European country popularly called Holland is a dream destination for everyone. If you have been living and working in the Netherlands, the eligibility to obtain citizenship in the country is normally a minimum of 5 years. But if you marry a citizen here, then these rules are relaxed a bit. If you live here with your partner for 3 consecutive years, you automatically become eligible to apply for citizenship. As long as you are with your spouse during the eligible period for making the application, it does not matter whether you live in the Netherlands or a country outside.

Germany is also a country where everyone dreams of going or settling down, but due to the immigration process, that dream remains incomplete. But if you can easily get citizenship here after falling in true love and marrying a citizen here. But there is a problem, after getting married here you have to learn German which is a vital part to get citizenship and also legally reside in Germany with your wife for 3 years. This is how you will be placed in the citizenship application. You will also be given some money while learning German here.

(PC: Lifeberrys)