With the increasing technology all over the world, new buildings and things are being built, some of which surprise everyone. In today's time, many bridges are being built with these technologies in the country and the world. But some bridges around the world are not known for their technology but for their fear. Yes, there are some such dangerous bridges in the world, crossing which proves to be equivalent to inviting death. Today we are going to tell you about the dangerous bridges, on see which people start sweating. Adventure lovers like such bridges very much, which look exciting and dangerous. So let's know about these dangerous bridges...

Coiling Dragon Cliff, China
This bridge has been built in Hunan province of China. Forget about going on this bridge, people's condition becomes bad just by seeing it. As soon as people go on this bridge, their soul starts trembling with fear and they start screaming. It is included in the world's most dangerous bridge. It is counted among the world's most dangerous skywalks. It was opened to the general public in the year 2016. Due to its terrifying structure, it is also called the 'bridge of death'. Here even the slightest mistake means death. Very few people dare to walk on this bridge. However, people fond of adventure reach this bridge to walk.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, UK

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is a famous rope bridge built in Northern Ireland. Let us tell you that this bridge is 20 meters long and 30 meters above the rocks below. This bridge attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. This bridge is taken care of by the National Trust. You can cross this bridge at any time of the year without any fee. In the last few years, the number of tourists visiting this place has increased.

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
The Langkawi Sky Bridge is a 125-meter curved cable-stayed bridge in Malaysia, which was completed in 2005. This bridge is located at a height of 660 meters. Langkawi Brgy has to be reached by cable car. Where a lift called Skyglide takes tourists from the top station to the bridge. The bridge was closed in July 2012 for maintenance and upgrading.

Husseini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan
The Hussaini Hanging Bridge was built to cross the Hunza River in Pakistan, which is currently considered the most dangerous bridge in the world. This bridge was built with the help of iron wires and wooden sticks, which have become very old and weak with time. In such a situation, if a person uses this bridge to cross the Hunza River on foot, then he puts his life at risk.

Glass Bottom Bridge, China
The Glass Bottom Bridge is located in China. This entire bridge is made of glass. Due to this, when you walk on it, the depth below is visible. Due to this, many people are not able to cross it completely due to fear. They come back from the middle itself. It is built at a height of about 1230 feet. The length of this bridge is 984 feet. It is counted among the highest bridges in the world.

Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada
The Capilano Suspension Bridge is present in Canada which was built in 1889. Let us tell you, this bridge also comes among the world's most dangerous bridges and it was built to cross the river. The bridge is quite safe in itself, but people who did not follow the rules related to walking on the bridge have also died here. The Capilano Suspension Bridge is 460 feet long and its height is 230 feet.

The Bridge of Immortals, China
The Huangshan mountain range is present in China's Anhui province, which is very popular among tourists and The Bridge of Immortals was built to connect those mountains. However, walking on this thin bridge made of wood on a high mountain is no less than a nightmare, from which people who are afraid of heights should stay away.

Royal Gorge Bridge, USA
This bridge is 955 feet high over the Arkansas River and is the highest suspension bridge in the United States which was built in 1929. After its construction, this bridge remained very dangerous for tourists for 50 years, if you are going to experience this on this bridge, then we suggest that you do not look down at all.

Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, Nepal
There is a small village named Ghasa in Nepal, which is situated between high mountains. In such a situation, to connect this village to the main city, the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa has been built in the middle of two mountains, which are very thin and narrow. This bridge is so light that it starts shaking only when there is a strong wind, in such a situation, when a person walks on it, then the person's life is in danger.

(PC: Lifeberrys)