Just because your vehicle appears to be in good condition, does not guarantee that problems will never develop. You never know when a problem might arise with your car, no matter how well you take care of it. So to avoid such sudden problems, we must include these things in our car emergency kit.

# Spare tire: Make sure you can use the spare tire. Instead of waiting for a roadside mechanic after a tire puncture, it is better to change the tire with the help of a jack in your car.

#First Aid Kit: Medical emergency can come anytime, for this there must be a medical kit in the vehicle so that we can get primary medical facilities.

# Fire Extinguisher: A small spark in the car can become a big problem at any time. For this, if there is a fire extinguisher in the car, then we can save it from being a big problem.

# Jumper Cables: Sometimes our car's batteries get down, due to which we have to face problems. Along with teaching the car, we should also be familiar with the engine a little so that we can handle the emergency well.

# Tool kit: Every vehicle must have a tool kit. It is good if a small problem is treated at the same time, otherwise, it becomes very big. So with a tool kit, you can fix minor problems in your vehicle.

# Flash light: A flashlight is one of the most important items in any emergency kit whether you are changing a tire on the side of the road or trying to flag down a little light can go a long way in an emergency.

# Food and Water: These two things should be with us whenever we travel in any vehicle, problems can come anytime anywhere.