It is very difficult to get train tickets during the festival season. On this occasion, people think of going home but are unable to go due to lack of space on the train. If you are planning to go home on Holi, then you should consider buying train tickets now. Because the longer the delay in getting the train ticket, the more difficult it will be to get a seat. But can tickets be booked from now to go home on Holi?

As per Indian Railways rules, you can book tickets 120 days before the date of travel. In the year 2024, Holi will be celebrated on 25 March. According to railway rules, tickets can be booked four months before the date of the journey. If seen in this manner, tickets can be booked before Holi from 25th November onwards.

If you want to book a Tatkal ticket, you can do it one day before the date of the journey. If your ticket is not confirmed, you can still travel by train, but for this you will have to talk to TTE.

You can also book tickets using the premium Tatkal facility of IRCTC. Even in Premium Tatkal, tickets can be booked 24 hours before the journey. You can also book tickets through the IRCTC mobile app.

Login to the IRCTC website and app a couple of minutes before booking the ticket. When Tatkal ticket booking starts, you will have to select the train, Tatkal quota, and class. After this, the details of the passenger will have to be filled in.

(PC: Freepik)