PC: ABP News

On the first trip with our partner, many mistakes are made knowingly or unknowingly which we do not want to make. Then it gets captured in our memory for a long time. Some people are busy shopping while traveling, while others waste the moment in taking selfies. Today we are going to tell you about those mistakes which you should avoid making.

Stay busy with photos: In the past few years, the selfie craze has increased a lot, and people are very busy in capturing the memories of special occasions in photos. But sometimes this habit spoils your moment because taking excessive selfies can create a negative atmosphere while traveling with your partner.

PC: Amar Ujala

Not taking into account preferences: Couples, on their first trip, put pressure on each other to go to a place of their choice. But it is important that your choice of areas or activities is one that your partner also finds enjoyable because both in travel and in life, each other's preferences should be taken into account.

Choosing the wrong location: During travel, people often choose a location which they do not like when they reach there. Or they become dissatisfied due to the lack of facilities there. When you select a location, it is important to get information about it in advance.

PC: News18 Hindi

Going in season: While going on a honeymoon, one should avoid going in season, as there is more crowd at the destinations during this time. In such a situation, you are not able to enjoy your special time passing.