Indian Railways is operating thousands of trains in the country. These trains play a big role in connecting different parts of the country with each other. For this reason, Indian Railways is also called the lifeline of the country. Many people in the country consider Indian Railways as a safer option than any other mode of transport. For this reason, crores of passengers travel in Indian trains every day. Keeping in view the convenience and convenience of the passengers, Indian Railways has made many rules. Often passengers travel by train with their children. Many passengers buy children's tickets before traveling in the train, while many do not. At the same time, do you know that children up to what maximum age can travel in the train without a ticket? If not, then today we are going to tell you about this. Let us know about it in detail -

According to the rules of Indian Railways, there is no ticket for children between 1 year to 4 years. There is no need to make any kind of reservation for children between this age.

Whereas children whose age is between 5 to 12 years. It is necessary for them to buy tickets. If you do not want to book any reserved seat for these. In such a situation, they will be charged half ticket.

These children are traveling with their parents or guardian. They will have to adjust with them in the train. If you want to book a berth for a child between 5 to 12 years.

In such a situation, you will have to pay the full fare for that ticket. If you are traveling by train with your children. In this situation, you must be aware of this rule related to children's train tickets.

(PC: iStock)