Indian Railways operates a large number of trains daily, which travel to every corner of the country and drop passengers to their destination. Due to the many facilities in the train, people can complete their journey comfortably. Amidst all this, you must have heard many such things in which it is said that if the driver of the train applies emergency brake, then the train can slip and derail. But is this true or is it just a rumor? In this news today, we will try to know whether the train derails by applying an emergency brake or not. So let's try to know about this. You can know about this in the next slides...

Difference between common brake and emergency brake
When the driver of the train applies an emergency brake, then during this time the braking force on every wheel of the train remains the same and it is more. Whereas, if we talk about the common brake, then generally the brake is in every wheel, that is, it is installed from the first to the last coach.

When the air pressure in the brake cylinder reaches its highest, the brake is applied. This process takes some time and it takes some time even after the loco pilot applies the brake. It takes more time for the train to stop when the normal brake is applied as compared to the emergency brake.

What happens when emergency brakes are applied?

When the loco pilot applies emergency brakes in an emergency situation, the braking force is the same in all the wheels of the train coach. In such a situation, the train stops after travelling a short distance and does not derail because the chances of this are negligible.

Not only this, on many occasions, the railways also informed that such things are being said that the train derails when emergency brakes are applied. These things are completely rumors and there is no truth in them.