Every day a large number of people travel from one place to another by Indian train. Trains running 24 hours a day take people to their destinations. Just if you want to travel by train, you have to take a train ticket and after that, you can travel. But many times passengers have to cancel their train tickets due to various reasons. In such a situation, either more than half the money is deducted many times or there is no return at all. In such a situation, it is necessary that before canceling the train ticket, you should know about the rules of the Indian Railways, so that you can get the right money back for canceling the train ticket. So let's know about this...

The rule before chart preparation: -
If you cancel the ticket before 48 hours, then you have to pay this much cancellation charge...
Rs 240 cancellation charge deducted for first/executive class
Rs 200 cancellation charge for AC 2 Tier/First Class
Rs 180 cancellation charge deducted for AC 3 tier / AC chair car / AC 3 Economy
There is a cancellation charge of Rs 120 for the sleeper and Rs 80 for the second class.

Not only this, if you cancel the train ticket before 12 hours of the scheduled departure, then in such a case your cancellation charge is 25% of the lowest flat rate fare
On the other hand, if you cancel your train ticket less than 12 hours and before 4 hours for any reason, then 50% of your cancellation charge is deducted.

Tatkal ticket
There are many ways to book train tickets, one of which is the Tatkal train ticket facility. If you cancel the booked confirmed Tatkal train ticket, then you do not get any refund.

Also know here that when you book Tatkal train tickets, two types of tickets can be booked. First confirmed Tatkal and second waiting Tatkal ticket. In such a situation, if you cancel the Tatkal train ticket with a waiting list, then some charge is deducted from it. Whereas, partial cancellation of Tatkal e-tickets is allowed.

(PC: iStock)